LeadsCalendar: Developer Documentation

This documentation website serves as a guide for developers integrating with LeadsCalendar, a web application that combines Google Calendar event creation with payment processing via PayPal and Binance Pay.

Project Overview

LeadsCalendar simplifies scheduling by integrating event creation and payment processing. Users can create events on Google Calendar directly from the LeadsCalendar interface, followed by a secure payment of 1 USD or its equivalent in cryptocurrency through PayPal or Binance Pay.

Technical Requirements

This documentation focuses on integrating the following APIs:

Functionality Breakdown

  1. Event Creation: Users create events seamlessly within LeadsCalendar's interface.
  2. Payment Prompt: Following event creation, users are prompted to make a 1 USD payment or its cryptocurrency equivalent.
  3. Payment Processing: Event confirmation occurs only after successful payment processing via PayPal or Binance Pay.

Documentation Format

This documentation is built using a static site generator (your choice: Jekyll, Hugo, or MkDocs). The structure emphasizes clarity with detailed explanations, code samples, and configuration steps for API integration.

Getting Started

Before diving into specific APIs, ensure you have:

  • A functional LeadsCalendar backend
  • Accounts with Google Cloud Platform, PayPal Developer Platform, and Binance Developer Platform

API Integration Guides

  • Google Calendar API:
    • Explains authorization flow for Google Calendar access
    • Provides code samples for creating events using the API
    • Details handling of event recurrence and time zones
  • PayPal REST API:
    • Guides through PayPal account setup for developers
    • Explains payment creation process with the REST API
    • Includes code samples for initiating and handling PayPal transactions
  • Binance Pay API:
    • Introduces Binance Pay API concepts and authentication
    • Provides instructions for creating payment orders
    • Offers code samples for integrating Binance Pay into LeadsCalendar

Deployment Considerations

  • Choose a suitable hosting platform for your LeadsCalendar application
  • Implement security best practices for user data and payment processing
  • Configure API keys and credentials securely within your backend code

Additional Resources

  • LeadsCalendar API Reference (if applicable)
  • Troubleshooting guide for common integration issues


This documentation serves as a comprehensive guide for developers integrating with LeadsCalendar. By following these steps and leveraging the provided resources, you can successfully integrate Google Calendar, PayPal, and Binance Pay functionalities into your LeadsCalendar application, offering a streamlined event creation and payment experience for users.

1. Google Calendar API

This section provides comprehensive API documentation for integrating LeadsCalendar with Google Calendar API.

Integration Purpose: Create events on Google Calendar after user confirmation and successful payment processing within LeadsCalendar.


LeadsCalendar requires user authorization to access their Google Calendar data and create events. Here's a simplified overview:

  1. Google OAuth 2.0: Implement Google OAuth 2.0 flow to obtain user consent for accessing their Google Calendar. This involves:
    • Registering your LeadsCalendar application with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and creating OAuth credentials.
    • Redirecting users to a Google authorization page where they grant access.
    • Upon consent, Google returns an authorization code that LeadsCalendar can exchange for an access token.
    • Store the access token securely to make authenticated requests to the Google Calendar API.

API Calls:

  • Events.insert: This method creates a new event on the authorized user's Google Calendar. You'll need to provide details like event summary, description, date/time, and optionally attendees.

Code Sample (using Python and Google APIs Client Library):

from googleapiclient.discovery import build

def create_google_calendar_event(event_data, access_token):
  service = build('calendar', 'v3', credentials=access_token)

  event = service.events().insert(calendarId='primary', body=event_data).execute()

  return event


  • summary (string): Required. Brief summary of the event.
  • description (string): Optional. Detailed description of the event.
  • start.dateTime (string): Required. The datetime (as RFC 3339) of the event's start.
  • end.dateTime (string): Required. The datetime (as RFC 3339) of the event's end.
  • attendees (list of objects): Optional. List of attendees with email addresses.

Error Handling:

Google Calendar API uses standard HTTP status codes for error handling. Here are some common codes and recommendations:

400 (Bad Request)The request is invalid due to missing or malformed parameters.- Check the request body for missing or invalid fields. - Verify parameter values according to API documentation.
401 (Unauthorized)Access token is invalid, expired, or revoked.- Refresh the access token if expired. - Prompt the user to re-authorize access if the token is invalid.
403 (Forbidden)User doesn't have permission to create events on the specified calendar.- Verify the user's permissions on the target calendar.
404 (Not Found)The requested calendar resource (e.g., specific calendar ID) doesn't exist.- Double-check the calendar ID used in the request.
429 (Too Many Requests)Rate limit exceeded for API calls.- Implement exponential backoff to retry the request after a delay.

A code snippet (Python) demonstrating how to handle errors based on status code and parse the error message:

def create_google_calendar_event(event_data, access_token):
  service = build('calendar', 'v3', credentials=access_token)

    event = service.events().insert(calendarId='primary', body=event_data).execute()
    return event
  except HTTPError as error:
    # Check the status code
    if error.resp.status in (400, 401, 403):
      # Parse the error message for details
      error_data = json.loads(error.resp.content)
      error_message = error_data.get('error', {}).get('message')
      print(f"Error creating event: {error_message}")
      # Handle the error based on the specific message (e.g., refresh token, inform user)
      raise  # Re-raise unexpected errors

Important Notes:

2. PayPal REST API

This section provides comprehensive API documentation for integrating LeadsCalendar with PayPal REST API.

Integration Purpose: Process secure payments of 1 USD (or equivalent in cryptocurrency) through PayPal upon event creation in LeadsCalendar.


  • Obtain PayPal REST API credentials from your PayPal Developer account. These include Client ID and Secret.

API Calls:

  • Create Payment (POST): Initiates a payment using the /payments endpoint. You'll need to specify payment details in the request body.


  • intent (string) - Required: Set to sale for a one-time payment.
  • payer (object) - Required: Defines the payment source.
    • payment_method (string): Set to paypal for payments using user's PayPal account.
  • transactions (list of objects) - Required: Specifies the transaction details.
    • amount (object):
      • total (number): Required. Total amount to be paid.
      • currency (string): Required. Currency code (e.g., USD).
    • description (string): Required. Brief description of the payment purpose (e.g., "LeadsCalendar Event Fee").

Code Sample (using Python and requests library):

import requests

def create_paypal_payment(access_token, amount, description):
  headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}
  data = {
      "intent": "sale",
      "payer": {
          "payment_method": "paypal"
      "transactions": [
              "amount": {
                  "total": amount,
                  "currency": "USD"
              "description": description

  response = requests.post("https://api.paypal.com/v1/payments/payment", headers=headers, json=data)
  response.raise_for_status()  # Raise exception for non-200 status codes

  return response.json()

Error Handling:

PayPal REST API uses standard HTTP status codes and provides detailed error messages in the JSON response body. Here are some common codes and recommendations:

400 (Bad Request)The request is invalid due to missing or malformed parameters.- Parse the error message to identify the specific parameter causing the issue. - Correct the parameter value and retry the API call.
401 (Unauthorized)Invalid or expired client credentials.- Verify your PayPal REST API credentials are correct.
403 (Forbidden)Insufficient permissions for the requested operation.- Ensure your account has permission to create payments.
404 (Not Found)The requested resource (e.g., specific payment) doesn't exist.- Double-check the payment ID used in the request (if applicable).
429 (Too Many Requests)Rate limit exceeded for API calls.- Implement exponential backoff to retry the request after a delay.

A code snippet (Python with requests library) demonstrating error handling based on status code and parsing the error response:

    response = requests.post("https://api.paypal.com/v1/payments/payment", headers=headers, json=data)
    response.raise_for_status()  # Raise exception for non-200 status codes
    return response.json()
  except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
    # Check the status code
    if error.response.status_code in (400, 401, 403):
      # Parse the error JSON for details
      error_data = error.response.json()
      error_code = error_data.get('error_code')
      error_message = error_data.get('message')
      print(f"Error creating payment: {error_code} - {error_message}")
      # Handle the error based on the specific code (e.g., refresh token, inform user)
      raise  # Re-raise unexpected errors

Important Notes:

  • Ensure secure storage and transmission of access tokens.
  • Refer to PayPal REST API documentation for a complete list of parameters and response structures: https://developer.paypal.com/api/rest/

3. Binance Pay API

This section provides comprehensive API documentation for integrating LeadsCalendar with Binance Pay API.

Integration Purpose: Enable users to pay the 1 USD equivalent in cryptocurrency using Binance Pay within LeadsCalendar.


  • Acquire Binance API credentials (API Key and Secret) from your Binance Developer Platform account.

API Calls:

  • Create Order (POST): Creates a payment order for the user using the /orders endpoint. Details are provided in the request body.


  • transactionType (string) - Required: Set to PAY for a payment transaction.
  • fiat (string) - Required: Set to USD for the desired settlement currency.
  • price (number) - Required: Specify the amount in USD (e.g., 1.00).
  • callbackUrl (string) - Required: Define a URL in your LeadsCalendar application to receive Binance Pay confirmation.

Error Handling:

Binance Pay API uses standard HTTP status codes along with JSON error responses that provide details about the encountered problem. Here's a reference table listing potential error codes, their meanings, and recommendations for handling them:

400 (Bad Request)The request is invalid due to missing or malformed parameters.1. Parse the error message body for details. It will likely contain an error_code and a specific error message describing the problem.
2. Inspect your request parameters and identify the one causing the error based on the error code and message.
3. Correct the parameter value according to the Binance Pay API documentation.
4. Retry the API call with the corrected parameter.
401 (Unauthorized)Invalid or expired API credentials.1. Verify that your API Key and Secret used in the request are correct.
2. Check if the credentials have expired. If so, refresh them using the Binance API renewal process.
3. Retry the API call with the valid credentials.
403 (Forbidden)Insufficient permissions for the requested operation.1. Ensure your Binance API account has the necessary permissions to create payment orders (e.g., "ORDER_CREATE").
2. If unsure about permissions, contact Binance support for clarification.
429 (Too Many Requests)Rate limit exceeded for API calls.1. Implement an exponential backoff strategy. This involves retrying the request after a waiting period that doubles with each attempt.
2. This approach helps avoid overwhelming the Binance Pay API with requests.
404 (Not Found)(Less likely for order creation) Resource not found (e.g., specific order ID).1. Double-check any IDs used in the request (if applicable).
2. Verify you're using the correct API endpoint.
500 (Internal Server Error)An issue on Binance Pay's side.1. Retry the API call after a reasonable delay (e.g., a few minutes) as the server issue might be temporary.
2. If the error persists, consider contacting Binance support for assistance.

Code Snippet (Python):

Here's an example code snippet (using the requests library) demonstrating error handling based on status code and parsing the error response for Binance Pay API:

import requests

def create_binance_pay_order(api_key, secret, price, callback_url):
  headers = {"X-MBX-APIKEY": api_key}
  data = {
      "transactionType": "PAY",
      "fiat": "USD",
      "price": price,
      "callbackUrl": callback_url

  url = "https://api.binance.com/orders"

    response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)
    response.raise_for_status()  # Raise exception for non-200 status codes
    return response.json()
  except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
    # Check the status code
    if error.response.status_code in (400, 401, 403):
      # Parse the error JSON for details
      error_data = error.response.json()
      error_code = error_data.get('code')
      error_msg = error_data.get('msg')
      print(f"Error creating order: {error_code} - {error_msg}")
      # Handle the error based on the specific code (e.g., refresh credentials, inform user)
    elif error.response.status_code == 429:
      print(f"Rate limit exceeded. Retrying after {delay} seconds...")
      # Implement exponential backoff logic here
      # Retry the request after a calculated delay
      raise  # Re-raise unexpected errors

# Example usage with error handling
  order_response = create_binance_pay_order(your_api_key, your_secret, 1.00, "https://your-callback-url")
  # Process successful response
except Exception as e:
  print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
  # Handle any errors during order creation


  • Replace your_api_key, your_secret, 1.00, and "https://your-callback-url" with your actual values.